Factores asociados con el parto prematuro entre 22 y 34 semanas en un Hospital público de Santiago.


  • Alfredo Ovalle S
  • Elena Kakarieka W
  • Gustavo Rencoret P
  • Ariel Fuentes G
  • María José del Río V
  • Carla Morong C
  • Pablo Benítez C

Palabras clave:

Delivery, obstetric, Placenta, Premature birth, Vaginosis, bacterial




Background: Preterm births are responsible for 75 to 80% of perinatal mortality. Aim: To determine the factors associated with preterm births, using maternal clinical data, laboratory results and pathological placental findings.  Patients and methods: Retrospective study of 642 preterm  births at 22-34 weeks’ gestation. Births were subdivided into preterm births as a consequence of a medical indication and spontaneous births with or without premature rupture of membranes (PROM).  Risk factors for preterm births were classified as maternal, fetal, placental, indeterminable and unclassifiable. Results: The proportions of  preterm births were spontaneous 69% (with PROM  27% and with intact membranes 42%) and medically indicated births 31%. A risk factor associated with prematurity was identified in 98 and 85% of medically indicated and spontaneous births, respectively.  Ascending bacterial infection (ABI) was the most frequently associated factor with spontaneous preterm delivery in 51% of women (142/280, p < 0.01)  and with preterm births of less than 30 weeks in 52% of women (82/157, p<0.01). Vaginal or urinary infection with Group B Streptococcus, was the most common clinical condition associated with ABI related deliveries. Hypertension was present in 94 of 127 medically indicated preterm deliveries (preeclampsia in 62% and chronic hypertension in 12%), and  in 29% (preeclampsia 24%)  of preterm births of more than 30 weeks. Congenital anomalies were mainly associated with a maternal age over 35 years in 15% (14/92) of women. The frequency of placental diseases was higher in spontaneous preterm deliveries (14%) and in pregnancies of more than 30 weeks in (14%). Conclusions: ABI was the most common factor associated with spontaneous preterm  births at 22-34 weeks, while preeclampsia is the most common factor associated with  medically indicated preterm births.  

Biografía del autor/a

Alfredo Ovalle S

Santa Rosa 1234 Fono 5555535 Servico y Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología Hospital San Borja Arriarán

Elena Kakarieka W

Santa Rosa 1234 7549230 Servicio de Anatomía Patológica, Hospital San Borja Arriarán

Gustavo Rencoret P

Santa Rosa 1234 Fono 5555535 Servico y Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología Hospital San Borja Arriarán

Ariel Fuentes G

Santa Rosa 1234 9770866 IDIMI Director Hospital San Borja Arriarán

María José del Río V

Santa Rosa 1234 9770866 IDIMI Director Hospital San Borja Arriarán

Carla Morong C

Santa Rosa 1234 7549230 Servicio de Anatomía Patológica, Hospital San Borja Arriarán

Pablo Benítez C

Santa Rosa 1234 Fono 5555535 Servico y Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología Hospital San Borja Arriarán Alumno de Medicina 6° año



Cómo citar

Ovalle S, A., Kakarieka W, E., Rencoret P, G., Fuentes G, A., del Río V, M. J., Morong C, C., & Benítez C, P. (2011). Factores asociados con el parto prematuro entre 22 y 34 semanas en un Hospital público de Santiago. Revista Médica De Chile, 140(1). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/1349



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