Frecuencia génica de antígenos menores de histocompatibilidad en la población chilena y estimación de efectos inmunológicos en trasplante alogénico de progenitores hematopoyéticos
Palabras clave:
Blood donors, Haplotypes, HLA antigensResumen
Background: Minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags) play a critical role in the immune responses associated with allogeneic stem cell transplantation, such as graft versus host disease (GVHD) and graft-versus-tumor (GVT). Aim: To determine the gene frequencies of the mHags HA-1, HA-2 and HA-8 in Chilean Blood Bank donors. Material and methods: Blood from 192 blood donors was analyzed. The presence of haplotype HLA-A*02 was determined by flow cytometry. The frequency of mHags was determined by allele specific polymerase chain reaction in genomic DNA. Results: Sixty one participants were carriers of the haplotype HLA-A*02. The relative allele frequency HA-1H was 45%, HA-1R 55%, HA-2V 80.6%, HA-2M 19.4%, HA-8R 49.8% and HA-8P was 50.2%. Based on mHags disparity between HA-1, HA-2 or HA-8, the probability to generate a GVT response in HLA-A*02 individuals was 40%. Conclusions: The mHags frequency in Chilean population is under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and they are similar to those of other ethnic populations in the world.