Efectos de la glicina sobre los trastornos de conducción del nervio auditivo en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 con otoneuropatía
Introduction: Glycine inhibits the formation of final products of advanced glication that occurs in hyperglycaemia causing central and peripherical neuronal damage affecting also the auditory nerve.
Objective: Evaluate the effect of glycine on auditory nerve conduction and the hearing level in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and auditory neuropathy.
Material and methods: Quasi-experimental study of pre-post test with control group nonequivalente design. Diabetic type 2 patients with neuropathy in the auditory pathway were included. Laboratory tests, hearing tests and evoked otoacoustic emissions were performed. Twenty grams of oral glycine per day were administered during 6 months.
Results: In glycine group 28 patients were included and 15 in the control group, their average age was 57 and 48 years respectively. In the control group, left ear showed improvement at 125 Hz (p= 0.02), 250 Hz (p= 0.01) and 500 Hz (p= 0.02), for right ear at 500 Hz (p= 0.04). In the evoked otoacoustic emissions there was improvement in the left ear in the wave I (p=0.01), III (p=0.03) and
V (p= 0.02); in the right ear in the wave I (p=0.03).
The control group showed changes in the evoked otoacoustic emissions with significant damages in amplitud latent of the wave V (p=0.05) and in the wave III (p=0.03) for the left hear.
Conclusions: Glycine partially improves nerve auditory conduction and hearing level, independently of the level of glicemic control.