Disección aórtica y síndrome de Marfán en el embarazo: A propósito de un caso clínico


  • Christian Espinoza Servicio Cardiovascular
  • Rafael Selman Servicio Cardiovascular
  • Felipe Pauchard Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Juan Rivera Servicio Cardiovascular
  • Sebastián Iturra Servicio Cardiovascular
  • Fernando Montecinos Servicio Ginecología y Obstetricia
  • Héctor Eliash Servicio Ginecología y Obstetricia
  • Francisco Undurraga Universidad Andrés Bello


Aortic dissection is a life-threatening disease that requires
immediate surgical intervention. Marfan syndrome is a hereditary disease with an autosomal
dominant transmission, which affects the connective tissue, with skeletal, cardiovascular and
ocular involvement. It is one of the most prevalent connective tissue disorders, presenting a risk
of aortic dissection of approximately 1% even without dilatation of the aorta. When dissection
occurs during pregnancy and requires surgical intervention (type A dissection), maternal
mortality is high (20%-30%). We report a 38 year-old woman with Marfan syndrome that had
an acute type A aortic dissection and severe aortic regurgitation at 37 weeks of gestation. The
patient underwent a cesarean section and delivered a healthy baby. Afterwards, aortic valve
repair and ascending aortic replacement was successfully performed under circulatory arrest
with deep hypothermia. Additionally mitral valve repair for degenerative disease with posterior,
autologous pericardium mitral valve ring was performed

Biografía del autor/a

Christian Espinoza, Servicio Cardiovascular

Servicio Cardiovascular, Instituto Nacional del Tórax.

Dr. Christian Espinoza Silva. Servicio Cardiovascular,
Instituto Nacional del Tórax. Infante 717,
Providencia, Santiago.

Rafael Selman, Servicio Cardiovascular

Servicio Cardiovascular, Instituto Nacional del Tórax.

Felipe Pauchard, Universidad Andrés Bello

Interno de Medicina, Universidad Andrés Bello.

Juan Rivera, Servicio Cardiovascular

Servicio Cardiovascular, Instituto Nacional del Tórax.

Sebastián Iturra, Servicio Cardiovascular

Servicio Cardiovascular, Instituto Nacional del Tórax.

Fernando Montecinos, Servicio Ginecología y Obstetricia

Servicio Ginecología y Obstetricia,
Hospital El Pino.

Héctor Eliash, Servicio Ginecología y Obstetricia

Servicio Ginecología y Obstetricia,
Hospital El Pino.

Francisco Undurraga, Universidad Andrés Bello

Interno de Medicina, Universidad Andrés Bello.



Cómo citar

Espinoza, C., Selman, R., Pauchard, F., Rivera, J., Iturra, S., Montecinos, F., Eliash, H., & Undurraga, F. (2009). Disección aórtica y síndrome de Marfán en el embarazo: A propósito de un caso clínico. Revista Médica De Chile, 137(1). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/223



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