Costo efectividad de un programa de rehabilitación cardiovascular modelo para personas post infarto agudo al miocardio en el Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Norte


  • Paulina López-Montecinos
  • Jame Rebolledo S
  • José Gómez L

Palabras clave:

Cardiovascular Diseases, Cost Effectiveness, Health Care Costs, Myocardial Infarction, Rehabilitation


Background: Secondary prevention programs are an essential part of comprehensive care of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD), and its effectiveness in reducing morbidity or mortality has been proved. Aim: To determine the cost-effectiveness of a theoretical comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation (CCR) outpatient program after Myocardial Infarction, to be implemented in a Chilean Public Health System. Material and methods: We designed a theoretical protocol of a CCR program based on recommendations of international guidelines, but adapted to local needs. A cost analysis was developed. Life years due to premature death were estimated with and without participation in CCR. The gained life-years and cost-effectiveness of the program were thus calculated. Results: The annual cost of cardiac rehabilitation center is $ 64,407,065 Chilean pesos (CLP). The Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) considering a reduction of late mortality of 25%, is $ 475,209.7 CLP per year of life gained. Since this figure is lower than one unit of per capita gross domestic product, the intervention is considered very cost-effective. Conclusions: A comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program after myocardial infarction is very cost-effective in the context of its implementation in a public health service.

Biografía del autor/a

Paulina López-Montecinos

Alcalde Pedro Alarcón 963, depto 806 torre A. San Miguel, Santiago de Chile, RM, Chile. Cel: 98221153.

Jame Rebolledo S

Psj. Radón 929, Maipú, Santiago, Región Metropolitana. teléfono 7717254- 68555345




Cómo citar

López-Montecinos, P., Rebolledo S, J., & Gómez L, J. (2016). Costo efectividad de un programa de rehabilitación cardiovascular modelo para personas post infarto agudo al miocardio en el Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Norte. Revista Médica De Chile, 144(4). Recuperado a partir de



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