Indicadores de fragilidad en adultos mayores del sistema público de salud de la ciudad de Antofagasta 2012.
Palabras clave:
Aged, Frail Elderly, Primary health careResumen
Background: Frailty is not universal among older people but increases the risk of dependence. Aim: To assess frailty among older people and its relationship with biological, psychological and social factors. Material and methods: Seven hundred fifty four older people aged 73 ± 6 years (61% females), attending a public primary care were assessed. Frailty was defined according to Fried criteria that considers inexplicable weight loss, tiredness, muscle weakness and lack of physical activity. Results: Absence of frailty, pre-frailty and frailty was found in 26, 69 and 5% of participants, respectively. Significant differences between frailty groups were observed for age, gender, years of studies, minimental and self-efficacy scores. Among participants defined as being in a pre-frail condition, 59% were non-disabled without risk and 41% non-disabled in risk, according to the functional assessment for older people used in Chilean primary care clinics. Conclusions: Frailty among older people is associated with increasing age, education, cognitive status and self-efficacy.Descargas
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Tapia P, C., Valdivia Rojas, Y., Varela V, H., Carmona G, A., Iturra M, V., & Jorquera C, M. (2015). Indicadores de fragilidad en adultos mayores del sistema público de salud de la ciudad de Antofagasta 2012. Revista Médica De Chile, 143(4). Recuperado a partir de
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