Caracterización clínica de la incontinencia urinaria y factores asociados en usuarias de la Unidad de la Mujer del Centro de Salud Familiar “Ultraestación” en la ciudad de Chillán, Chile.


  • Olga Rincón Ardila

Palabras clave:

Prevalence, Urinary incontinence, Women


Background: It is important to determine the relative importance of urinary incontinence in terms of its prevalence and how it affects the quality of life of women. Aim: To characterize urinary incontinence and factors associated with it in women aged over 30 years. Material and Methods: A survey about urinary incontinence and associated factors was answered by 289 women aged 30 to 81 years, attending a public primary care clinic. Results: The prevalence of urinary incontinence was 62.2%, and it was significantly associated with obesity, diabetes and a history of episiotomy. Conclusions: The high prevalence of urinary incontinence should prompt the implementation of public health measures to prevent and treat it effectively.

Biografía del autor/a

Olga Rincón Ardila

Kinesióloga especialista en Reeducación Pelviperineal




Cómo citar

Rincón Ardila, O. (2015). Caracterización clínica de la incontinencia urinaria y factores asociados en usuarias de la Unidad de la Mujer del Centro de Salud Familiar “Ultraestación” en la ciudad de Chillán, Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 143(2). Recuperado a partir de



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