Transición del adolescente con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal desde la atención pediátrica a la del adulto.


  • Elizabeth Navarro Programa de Formación de Especialista en Gastroenterología Pediátrica, Universidad de Chile
  • Juan C Ossa Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna
  • Daniela Simian Clínica Las Condes
  • Rodrigo Quera Clínica las Condes

Palabras clave:

Adolescents, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Transition to adult care


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a prevalent chronic disorder, often diagnosed during childhood. Studies have suggested that the incidence of IBD in this group of patients is increasing. Children and adolescents with IBD frequently have more extensive and severe disease than adults. Transition is an important concept to ensure optimal health care management of adolescents and young adult patients with chronic physical and medical conditions. During this process there is a change in knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards the disease with a responsibility that gradually shifts from parents to the patient. The success of the transition process depends on the patient, pediatric and adult gastroenterologists. Thus, providers need to understand how to start, maintain and finish this process. When transition process is coordinated, staged and well planned, the adolescent and young adult will acquire the tools needed to successfully self-manage his or her own medical condition. Rather than a universal model of transition, each institution needs to adapt the most efficient model. The aim of this article is to review concepts pertinent to transition management for adolescents and young adults with IBD.

Biografía del autor/a

Daniela Simian, Clínica Las Condes

Sub Dirección de Investigación, Sub Dirección Académica




Cómo citar

Navarro, E., Ossa, J. C., Simian, D., & Quera, R. (2015). Transición del adolescente con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal desde la atención pediátrica a la del adulto. Revista Médica De Chile, 143(6). Recuperado a partir de



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