Trombolisis intravenosa en accidente cerebro vascular isquémico agudo en un Hospital Público de Chile: Análisis prospectivo de 54 casos.
Palabras clave:
Stroke, Thrombolytic Therapy, Tissue Plasminogen ActivatorResumen
Background: Intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) reduces disability in patients with ischemic stroke. However, its implementation in Chilean public general hospitals has been slow and faces some difficulties. Aim: To analyze the results of an intravenous thrombolysis protocol implementation in a public general hospital. Material and Methods: During a lapse of 28 months a standardized protocol for intravenous thrombolysis implemented in the emergency room of a public hospital, was prospectively evaluated. Fifty four patients with ischemic stroke were treated and assessed three months later as outpatients. Results: At three months of follow-up, 66.4% of patients subjected to thrombolysis had a favorable evolution, defined as having 0 to 1 points in the modified Rankin scale. Intracerebral hemorrhage rate was 11.1%, including 5.5% of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage. Four percent of patients had systemic bleeding complications after thrombolysis. The mortality rate was 14.8%. Conclusions: The success rates, mortality, and complications rate were comparable to the results obtained in international studies, despite of the absence of a stroke unit to manage stroke and its complications.Descargas
Cómo citar
Guevara O, C., Bulatova, K., Aravena, F., Caba, S., Lara, H., Nieto, E., Navarrete, I., & Morales, M. (2016). Trombolisis intravenosa en accidente cerebro vascular isquémico agudo en un Hospital Público de Chile: Análisis prospectivo de 54 casos. Revista Médica De Chile, 144(4). Recuperado a partir de
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