Cáncer Oral en Chile. Revisión de la Literatura


  • María Josefina Santelices Ch Alumna de Magíster de Salud Pública, Universidad John Hopkins
  • Marcela Eugenia Cárcamo I Instituto Nacional del Cáncer Universidad de los Andes
  • Claudio Brenner A OREMA
  • Rodrigo Montes F Instituto Nacional del Cáncer

Palabras clave:

Chile, Morbidity, Mortality, Mouth Neoplasm, Survival Rate


Background: Oral cancer is a public health problem. Its world incidence in 2012, was 4.0 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Aim: To review the published literature on oral cancer in Chile. Material and Methods: Narrative review of the literature using databases such as Pubmed, Scielo and Google Scholar. The Keywords oral cancer in Chile, Oral Cancer, Oral Cancer AND Chile were used. A critical appraisal the articles was carried out. Results: Of 27 eligible studies, 11 studies were included and data from population registries were used. Oral and Oropharyngeal cancer mortality is 1% and morbidity corresponds to 1.6% of all cancers in Chile. By 2010 according to different authors, the male: female ratio ranges from 1.3: 1 to 1.4: 1 and the five years survival, from 46% to 56.9%. The main risk factors are smoking and alcohol use. Conclusions: The number of articles published in Chile about oral cancer is low.

Biografía del autor/a

María Josefina Santelices Ch, Alumna de Magíster de Salud Pública, Universidad John Hopkins

Alumna Magíster

Marcela Eugenia Cárcamo I, Instituto Nacional del Cáncer Universidad de los Andes

Registro Hospitalario Epidemiologa

Claudio Brenner A, OREMA

Director Clínica OREMA

Rodrigo Montes F, Instituto Nacional del Cáncer

Jefe Equipo Cirujía de Cabeza y Cuello




Cómo citar

Santelices Ch, M. J., Cárcamo I, M. E., Brenner A, C., & Montes F, R. (2016). Cáncer Oral en Chile. Revisión de la Literatura. Revista Médica De Chile, 144(6). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/4317



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