Hipoglicemia inducida por tumor fibroso solitario pulmonar. Sindrome de Doege-Potter.


  • Jimena Soutelo Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca
  • Sofia Moldes Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca
  • Ayelén Martín Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca
  • Ruben Lutfi Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca
  • Mariela Leal Reyna Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca

Palabras clave:

Hypoglycemia, Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2, Paraneoplastic syndromes, Solitary fibrous tumors


We report a 75 years old man who was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of severe hypoglycemia. He had a history of a solitary fibrous tumor diagnosed by pathology after its complete surgical resection eight years before. The laboratory examination reported hypoglycemia with inhibited insulin secretion. A computed tomography of the thorax revealed a large solid heterogeneous mass in the left hemithorax. Solitary fibrous tumor is a rare neoplasm. The association of solitary fibrous tumor and paraneoplastic hypoglycemia is known as Doege-Potter syndrome and occurs in less than 5% of all solitary fibrous tumors.

Biografía del autor/a

Jimena Soutelo, Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca


Sofia Moldes, Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca


Ayelén Martín, Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca


Ruben Lutfi, Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca


Mariela Leal Reyna, Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital Churruca Visca





Cómo citar

Soutelo, J., Moldes, S., Martín, A., Lutfi, R., & Leal Reyna, M. (2016). Hipoglicemia inducida por tumor fibroso solitario pulmonar. Sindrome de Doege-Potter. Revista Médica De Chile, 144(1). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/4470



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