Una mirada al origen, funcionamiento y desafíos del nuevo sistema de donación y trasplantes chileno
Palabras clave:
Health Equity, Tissue and Organ Procurement, Transplantation, Transplant RecipientsResumen
Chile made several legal, practical and educational changes to the organ donation and transplant system in recent years, to improve its results. However, studies evaluating these reforms and suggesting further corrections are still pending. Our aim is to assess the new regulations and their reception by both the population and health care providers. Proposals are made to promote the development of a model of Chilean transplantation able to respond to the needs of the population.Descargas
Cómo citar
Zúñiga-Fajuri, A., Merino, M. del P., & Urtubia, M. (2018). Una mirada al origen, funcionamiento y desafíos del nuevo sistema de donación y trasplantes chileno. Revista Médica De Chile, 146(6). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/5906
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