Asociación entre variables demográficas y socioeconómicas y mortalidad por cirrosis y otras enfermedades del hígado en Chile


  • Gloria Icaza Instituto Matemática y Física, Universidad de Talca
  • Loreto Núñez Universidad de Talca
  • Nicolás Ordaz R Universidad de Talca
  • Constanza Verdugo W Universidad de Talca
  • Sergio Caglieri S Universidad de Talca
  • Álvaro Castillo-Carniglia University of California Davis School of Medicine

Palabras clave:

Demography, Liver Cirrhosis, Mortality, Socioeconomic Factors


Background: Cirrhosis is a serious public health problem worldwide. There are geographical, socioeconomic and demographic differences in mortality due to the disease. Aim: To establish an association between mortality from cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases and socioeconomic and demographic indicators in communes of the two largest regions of Chile, the Metropolitan Region (RM) and Bíobío. Material and methods: Analysis of the mortality data from the Chilean Ministry of Health. Multiple regression models of smoothed standardized mortality ratios at the community level between 2001 and 2008, were carried out for men and women in relation to socioeconomic and demographic indicators. Results: Quite dissimilar phenomena were observed in these two regions. In RM, the risk of death is associated with urban communes of lower educational level (R2=53.6% in men, R2=62.3% in women). In men of the Bíobío Region, the risk decreases along with the percentage of population belonging to originary populations (R2=9.1%). In women, the model also includes a variable that represents the service sector (R2=15.0%), that represents a greater risk. Conclusions: The association of mortality due to liver disease with other variables, changes according to the territory in which it is studied. Therefore, specific local studies are required to address this problem in depth. These studies will contribute to the design of locally relevant public policies, aimed at addressing health inequities and the prevention of liver diseases.

Biografía del autor/a

Gloria Icaza, Instituto Matemática y Física, Universidad de Talca

Profesora Asociada

Loreto Núñez, Universidad de Talca

Departamento de Salud Pública

Nicolás Ordaz R, Universidad de Talca

Interno Medicina

Constanza Verdugo W, Universidad de Talca

Interna Medicina.

Sergio Caglieri S, Universidad de Talca

Interno Medicina.

Álvaro Castillo-Carniglia, University of California Davis School of Medicine

Violence Prevention Research Program, Department of Emergency Medicine




Cómo citar

Icaza, G., Núñez, L., Ordaz R, N., Verdugo W, C., Caglieri S, S., & Castillo-Carniglia, Álvaro. (2017). Asociación entre variables demográficas y socioeconómicas y mortalidad por cirrosis y otras enfermedades del hígado en Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 145(11). Recuperado a partir de



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