El Museo de Anatomía de la Universidad de Chile, un monumento nacional.


  • Julio L Cárdenas V Universidad de Chile

Palabras clave:

Anatomy, Dissection, History of Medicine, Museums


The accrual of anatomical preparations since the nineteenth century in Santiago, Chile, became the so called “anatomical cabinet” under the supervision of professor Julio F Lafargue. Afterwards, this cabinet evolved to form an anatomical museum in the mid twentieth century. It contained preparations using corpses whose identification was not known. Now, the corpses are donated through a body donation program that started thirty years ago. The collection contains, among other interesting items, a situs inversus preparation, Juan Martel’s mummy, Tramond house wax preparations and a jibarized head. Nowadays, the museum is open to the community, its collection is recognized as a national historical monument, and has links with other university museums in the country and abroad.

Biografía del autor/a

Julio L Cárdenas V, Universidad de Chile

Médico Internista, profesor Asociado Anatomia facultad de Medicina Pdte. Sociedad Chilena de Historia de la Medicina, ex pdte. Soc. Chilena de Anatomia.Director Museo Anatomía. Universidad de Chile




Cómo citar

Cárdenas V, J. L. (2018). El Museo de Anatomía de la Universidad de Chile, un monumento nacional. Revista Médica De Chile, 146(12). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/6596



Historia de la Medicina