Factores sociales del estado de salud auto - reportado de personas mayores, en Chile.
Palabras clave:
Frail Elderly, Healthy Aging, Logistic Models, Public Health, Self ReportResumen
Background: Self-reported health is subjective and depends on external factors such as socioeconomic status, presence of chronic diseases and working status, among others. Aim: To determine which factors influence self-reported health among older people in Chile. Material and methods: A secondary analysis of the National Socioeconomic Characterization survey done in 2015. A dichotomous response model was used classifying health status as good or bad. A logit regression model was carried out. Results: The model had a good calibration and correctly classified 72 and 68% of men and women, respectively. The main factors that influenced health status self-perception were: not having health problems; having undergone a mental health interview, to receive supplemental nutrition, education, to have a productive work; and to having a social network. Conclusions: There are health, cultural, economic and environmental factors that influence self-perceived health status.Descargas
Cómo citar
Alvear, S., Rodríguez, P., Riveros, C., Arena, Ángela, & Canteros, J. (2019). Factores sociales del estado de salud auto - reportado de personas mayores, en Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 147(11). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/7013
Artículos de Investigación