La objeción de conciencia en la educación médica. Una propuesta para Chile


  • Sofía P Salas Centro de Bioética. Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo

Palabras clave:

Abortion, Legal, Conscience, Education, Medical, Students


The Chilean Law regulating the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, contemplates the possibility that health personnel may refrain from doing the procedure if they have stated that they are conscientious objectors (CO). There are numerous articles on the subject. However, the impact on medical training centers when a student or resident abstain from performing certain clinical procedures invoking CO, has seldom been analyzed. In this article, we explore the rights and duties of the CO students to perform an abortion or other clinical procedures for either religious or cultural reasons. Based on international experience, we recommend that all health care centers should have established and publicly known policies on this matter. Finally, we honor CO invoked by students, based on three general principles. First, the autonomy and moral integrity of the students should be respected. Second, an adequate ethical sensitivity is promoted. Third, it contributes to the necessary heterogeneity and diversity of students, promoting a desirable pluralism. However, certain interests and values, such as the well-being of patients, must be considered over and above accepting the CO requests.

Biografía del autor/a

Sofía P Salas, Centro de Bioética. Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo

Profesor Titular. Centro de Bioeética, Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo




Cómo citar

Salas, S. P. (2019). La objeción de conciencia en la educación médica. Una propuesta para Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 147(8). Recuperado a partir de



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