Mascotas felinas, medicina y arte
Palabras clave:
Cats, Cat diseases, Medicine in the arts, PetsResumen
The author in this short text remembers the passing of a beloved pet cat. Cats are beautiful animals and wonderful companions. They evolved together with humans in Africa, subsequently spread over the five continents with them, and became the subject of many human cultural activities, including art, poetry and religion. Abandoned and roaming free, cats readily return to the wild, potentially acquiring many zoonotic infections. Surprisingly, feline company is increasingly used for therapy of mental and other illnesses such as cardiovascular disorders. Responsible ownership and good veterinary care of these marvelous animals under the One Health paradigm are essential to their well-being as well as to that of humans. They are an ethical and small price to pay for the affectively rewarding relationships humans have with these endearing and evocative animals.Descargas
Cómo citar
Cabello C, F. (2019). Mascotas felinas, medicina y arte. Revista Médica De Chile, 147(1). Recuperado a partir de
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