Sinoviortesis con radioisótopos en Hemofilia: Experiencia de un centro en Chile.
Palabras clave:
Hemarthrosis, Hemophilia, SynovitisResumen
Background: In patients with hemophilia, radionuclide synoviorthesis, or the intra-articular injection of a radionuclide to decrease the synovial hypertrophy tissue, aims to decrease or avoid hemarthrosis. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of radionuclide synoviorthesis in hemophilia. Material and methods: Observational retrospective study of the evolution of 107 male patients aged 3 to 54 years who were subjected to radionuclide synoviorthesis between 2007 and 2015. Results: Of 164 treated joints, in 65% treatment was successful, (defined as zero to two hemarthroses and absence of synovitis during the follow up period), in 17% it was partially successful (defined as two or less hemarthroses, but persistence of the synovitis) and failed in 18% of the procedures. No important complications were recorded. Conclusions: Radionuclide synoviorthesis has an overall 82% success rate, is minimally invasive, can be used at any age and is inexpensive We recommend its implementation in Chilean hemophilia treatment centers.Descargas
Cómo citar
Soto, V., Morales, M. M., Morales, P., Oyarzún, A., Cortez, D., & González, M. (2019). Sinoviortesis con radioisótopos en Hemofilia: Experiencia de un centro en Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 147(5). Recuperado a partir de
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