Medición del subtriaje como indicador de calidad y seguridad en un Servicio de Urgencias


  • María Florencia Grande Ratti Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
  • Jorge Ariel Esteban Central de Emergencias de Adultos
  • Damazo Mongelos Central de Emergencias de Adultos
  • Mario Hernan Díaz Central de Emergencias de Adultos
  • Diego Hernán Giunta Área de Investigación en Medicina Interna
  • Bernardo Julio Martínez Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Palabras clave:

Emergency Medical Services, Epidemiology, Quality of Health Care, Hospital Mortality Triage


Background: Undertriage or the underestimation of the urgency of the condition of a person arriving in an emergency room represents a measure of quality care. Aim: To estimate the prevalence of undertriage in a high complexity hospital of Argentina; to describe characteristics and mortality of these patients. Material and methods: All consultations admitted to the ED during 2014 were analyzed. Those assigned to a lower level of admission risk (classified as Emergency Severity Index -ESI- 3 to 5) but required hospitalization in intensive care units (ICU) as the first hospitalization place were considered as an undertriage. A random sample of correctly categorized admissions (ESI 1 or 2), who were subsequently hospitalized in the ICU, was selected as a comparison group. Results: The global undertriage prevalence was 0.30% (316/104832). Among patients admitted to the ICU, the prevalence was 21% (316/1461, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 19-24). The 316 patients whose severity was underestimated had a median age of 73 years, and admitted between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. in a greater proportion. Overall hospital mortality was 8.9% (95%CI 6.78-11.38), and all deaths occurred after the patient was transferred from the emergency room. There were no differences in mortality between patients with correct triage or undertriage (11 and 7% respectively, p=0.09). No differences were observed either in the total number of critical interventions during care in the first 24 hours. Significant differences were observed in requirements for mechanical ventilation (11 and 4% respectively, p=0.01), orotracheal intubation (10 and 5% respectively p=0.01) and non-invasive ventilation (8 and 4 % respectively, p=0.05). Conclusions: Undertriage rate in this series was low, but it can be improved.

Biografía del autor/a

María Florencia Grande Ratti, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

Área de Investigación en Medicina Interna

Jorge Ariel Esteban, Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Médico de planta, Servicio de Clínica Médica Médico Coordinador, Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Damazo Mongelos, Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Enfermero, especialista en triage Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Mario Hernan Díaz, Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Médico de planta, Servicio de Clínica Médica Médico Coordinador, Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Diego Hernán Giunta, Área de Investigación en Medicina Interna

Médico de Planta, Clínica Médica Doctor en Ciencias de la Salud. Coordinador Área de Investigación en Medicina Interna. Servicio de Clínica Medica Coordinador Investigación No Patrocinada. Departamento de Investigación

Bernardo Julio Martínez, Central de Emergencias de Adultos

Médico de Planta, Clínica Médica Jefe de Central de Emergencias de Adultos Subjefe de Servicio de Clínica Médica




Cómo citar

Grande Ratti, M. F., Esteban, J. A., Mongelos, D., Díaz, M. H., Giunta, D. H., & Martínez, B. J. (2020). Medición del subtriaje como indicador de calidad y seguridad en un Servicio de Urgencias. Revista Médica De Chile, 148(5). Recuperado a partir de



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