Medición del subtriaje como indicador de calidad y seguridad en un Servicio de Urgencias
Palabras clave:
Emergency Medical Services, Epidemiology, Quality of Health Care, Hospital Mortality TriageResumen
Background: Undertriage or the underestimation of the urgency of the condition of a person arriving in an emergency room represents a measure of quality care. Aim: To estimate the prevalence of undertriage in a high complexity hospital of Argentina; to describe characteristics and mortality of these patients. Material and methods: All consultations admitted to the ED during 2014 were analyzed. Those assigned to a lower level of admission risk (classified as Emergency Severity Index -ESI- 3 to 5) but required hospitalization in intensive care units (ICU) as the first hospitalization place were considered as an undertriage. A random sample of correctly categorized admissions (ESI 1 or 2), who were subsequently hospitalized in the ICU, was selected as a comparison group. Results: The global undertriage prevalence was 0.30% (316/104832). Among patients admitted to the ICU, the prevalence was 21% (316/1461, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 19-24). The 316 patients whose severity was underestimated had a median age of 73 years, and admitted between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. in a greater proportion. Overall hospital mortality was 8.9% (95%CI 6.78-11.38), and all deaths occurred after the patient was transferred from the emergency room. There were no differences in mortality between patients with correct triage or undertriage (11 and 7% respectively, p=0.09). No differences were observed either in the total number of critical interventions during care in the first 24 hours. Significant differences were observed in requirements for mechanical ventilation (11 and 4% respectively, p=0.01), orotracheal intubation (10 and 5% respectively p=0.01) and non-invasive ventilation (8 and 4 % respectively, p=0.05). Conclusions: Undertriage rate in this series was low, but it can be improved.Descargas
Cómo citar
Grande Ratti, M. F., Esteban, J. A., Mongelos, D., Díaz, M. H., Giunta, D. H., & Martínez, B. J. (2020). Medición del subtriaje como indicador de calidad y seguridad en un Servicio de Urgencias. Revista Médica De Chile, 148(5). Recuperado a partir de
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