Cirugía de revascularización miocárdica versus angioplastía en el tratamiento de la enfermedad coronaria de tres vasos y tronco de la coronaria izquierda
Palabras clave:
Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures, Coronary Artery Disease, Percutaneous Coronary InterventionResumen
Recent randomized controlled trials confirmed the beneficial outcomes with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) compared with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with severe three-vessel coronary artery and left main disease. An increased long-term survival after CABG is associated with a reduction in spontaneous myocardial infarction and repeat revascularization rates. While PCI treats only flow-limiting lesions, CABG treats the whole coronary artery, preventing events in the future. Due to different clinical and anatomic factors affecting the outcomes, the heart team should formulate treatment assignment recommendations.Descargas
Cómo citar
Olivares R, G., & Veas, N. (2021). Cirugía de revascularización miocárdica versus angioplastía en el tratamiento de la enfermedad coronaria de tres vasos y tronco de la coronaria izquierda. Revista Médica De Chile, 149(8). Recuperado a partir de
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