Comentarios al proyecto de ley “Muerte digna y cuidados paliativos”
Palabras clave:
Bioethics, Death, Euthanasia, Right to DieResumen
The Chilean House of Representatives is discussing the bill on “Dignified death and palliative care”, which regulates the so-called medical assistance in dying or euthanasia. This paper will critically analyze the different aspects of the bill, particularly concerning four main dimensions, namely, the patient’s condition at the time of requesting euthanasia; the doctor-patient relationship and respect for the autonomy of both parties; the idea of medicine involved in it; and the possible therapeutic alternatives to euthanasia. This critical analysis raises the need to discuss in more depth a project that has to do with such important decisions about our lives and that implies a radical change in the way of thinking and practicing medicine.Descargas
Cómo citar
Valera, L., Ramos, P., Pérez, I., Olivares, P., Florenzano, A., Carrasco, M. A., Barrientos, M., & Godoy F, J. (2021). Comentarios al proyecto de ley “Muerte digna y cuidados paliativos”. Revista Médica De Chile, 149(7). Recuperado a partir de
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