No seroconversion among healthcare workers exposed to SARS-CoV-2 during the early phase of the pandemic.


  • Alberto Fica Hospital Base Valdivia
  • Felipe Olivares Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Maritza Navarrete Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Gumaro Martinez Pizzi Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Michelle Martinez Ulloa Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Karina Castillo Fuentevilla Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Teresa Cornejo Morales Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Nicolás Miranda Torres Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Juan Carlos Velásquez Mejías Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Diego Luco Palomino Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Dafnae Valenzuela Schneider Hospital Base de Valdivia
  • Nadia Vásquez Barría Hospital Base de Valdivia

Palabras clave:

Developing Countries, Health Personnel, SARS-CoV-2, Seroconversion


Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is associated with morbidity, hospitalizations, absenteeism, and mortality among healthcare workers (HCW). Aim: To evaluate the seroconversion rate in HCW exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the early pandemic phase in 2020 at a regional reference hospital. Material and methods: One hundred seventy-nine HCW working at a regional hospital were invited to a longitudinal study performed between April-July 2020. A serological analysis by ELISA IgG for viral nucleoprotein and protein S with a secondary analysis by ELISA IgG protein S1 / S2 for samples with positive or doubtful result was carried out together with a complementary online survey to inquire about occupational or community exposures to SARS-CoV-2. Results: Two cases with baseline infection were detected (1.1%, one symptomatic and one asymptomatic) and no cases of seroconversion were detected. During the study period, there were 136 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, and regional weekly COVID-19 incidence ranged from 2.7 to 24.4 per 100,000 inhabitants. No SARS-CoV-2 cases were detected by PCR among 27 HCW who consulted for respiratory symptoms in the period. Online surveys confirmed direct care of COVID-19 patients and also detected a high degree of unprotected social interaction at work. Conclusions: There was no evidence of seroconversion in this group of HCW exposed to the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Personal protective equipment and other measures used by the HCW were extremely useful for their protection in the initial phase of the pandemic.



Cómo citar

Fica, A., Olivares, F., Navarrete, M., Martinez Pizzi, G., Martinez Ulloa, M., Castillo Fuentevilla, K., Cornejo Morales, T., Miranda Torres, N., Velásquez Mejías, J. C., Luco Palomino, D., Valenzuela Schneider, D., & Vásquez Barría, N. (2022). No seroconversion among healthcare workers exposed to SARS-CoV-2 during the early phase of the pandemic. Revista Médica De Chile, 151(1). Recuperado a partir de



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