Análisis del cumplimiento de la Guía Clínica del AUGE en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular isquémico: la utilización de tecnología sanitaria de diagnóstico para prevención secundaria en un hospital público.


  • Yujie Wang 2009-10 Fellow in Chile, Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program (New York City, USA.)Centro Tecnológico Hospitalario Chile (Valparaíso,)Ingeniero biomédico
  • Gonzalo Álvarez Servicio de Neurología, Hospital del Salvador (Santiago,)
  • Rodrigo Salinas Departamento de Ciencias Neurológicas, Universidad de Chile (Santiago,)
  • Gloria Ramirez Servicio Médico Legal, Ministerio de Justicia (Santiago,)
  • Mónica Catalán Departamento de Estadística, Universidad de Valparaíso (Valparaíso.)Doctor en estadística
  • Cristian Díaz Centro Tecnológico Hospitalario Chile (Valparaíso,)Departamento de Ingeniería Biomédica, Universidad de Valparaíso (Valparaíso,)Ingeniero electrónico

Palabras clave:

Biomedical technology, Delivery of health care, Secondary prevention, Stroke



Background: Acute ischemic stroke in adults was given an Explicit Guarantee of diagnosis and treatment (GES) with Clinical Guidelines in 2007 as part of the on-going Chilean National Health Reform.  Aim: To evaluate the adherence to official guidelines with regard to the use of diagnostic methods for patients with acute ischemic stroke during their stay in a public hospital. Patients and methods: The study included a review of the medical records of 101 patients aged 70 ±13 years (49 males and 52 females) diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke and discharged within August and September of 2008 and 2009 from a public hospital. Three trained observers independently determined the degree of dependency of patients at discharge using the Modified Rankin score. The completion of recommended diagnostic tests (electrocardiogram, carotid Doppler ultrasound and echocardiogram) as well as their overuse was evaluated.   Results: Ten patients died before discharge, 38% were discharged with and 52% were discharged without disabilities. Nineteen percent of patients with a Modified Rankin score of two or less (corresponding to a slight disability) had a complete diagnostic workup, compared with 87% of patients with a score of 3 to 5 (moderate to severe disability). In 27% of the patients, there was an overuse of diagnostic tests.  No association between the diagnostic test use adequacy and year of discharge was observed. Conclusions: There exists a disparity between the recommended diagnostic testing and the actual tests completed among patients with acute ischemic stroke. 

Biografía del autor/a

Yujie Wang, 2009-10 Fellow in Chile, Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program (New York City, USA.)Centro Tecnológico Hospitalario Chile (Valparaíso,)Ingeniero biomédico

Kennedy Interior 5436, depto. 85, Vitacura, Santiago. Tels: celular 09 872 6306 fijo: 492 5466 email:

Gonzalo Álvarez, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital del Salvador (Santiago,)

Kennedy Interior 5436, depto. 85, Vitacura, Santiago. Tels: celular 09 872 6306 fijo: 492 5466 email:

Rodrigo Salinas, Departamento de Ciencias Neurológicas, Universidad de Chile (Santiago,)

Kennedy Interior 5436, depto. 85, Vitacura, Santiago. Tels: celular 09 872 6306 fijo: 492 5466 email:

Gloria Ramirez, Servicio Médico Legal, Ministerio de Justicia (Santiago,)

Kennedy Interior 5436, depto. 85, Vitacura, Santiago. Tels: celular 09 872 6306 fijo: 492 5466 email:

Mónica Catalán, Departamento de Estadística, Universidad de Valparaíso (Valparaíso.)Doctor en estadística

Kennedy Interior 5436, depto. 85, Vitacura, Santiago. Tels: celular 09 872 6306 fijo: 492 5466 email:

Cristian Díaz, Centro Tecnológico Hospitalario Chile (Valparaíso,)Departamento de Ingeniería Biomédica, Universidad de Valparaíso (Valparaíso,)Ingeniero electrónico

Kennedy Interior 5436, depto. 85, Vitacura, Santiago. Tels: celular 09 872 6306 fijo: 492 5466 email:



Cómo citar

Wang, Y., Álvarez, G., Salinas, R., Ramirez, G., Catalán, M., & Díaz, C. (2011). Análisis del cumplimiento de la Guía Clínica del AUGE en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular isquémico: la utilización de tecnología sanitaria de diagnóstico para prevención secundaria en un hospital público. Revista Médica De Chile, 139(6). Recuperado a partir de



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