Evaluación de un programa ministerial para manejo del Síndrome metabólico en adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad.


  • Sandra Henríquez
  • Gladys Barrera
  • Sandra Hirsch
  • María Pía De la Maza
  • Natalia Jara
  • Laura Leiva
  • Daniel Bunout

Palabras clave:

Life style, Metabolic Syndrome X, Obesity


Background: The Chilean Ministry of Health developed a healthy lifestyles intervention directed to adults with overweight and cardiovascular risk factors, called "Program on Healthy Eating and Physical Activity" (PASAF). Aim: To evaluate the impact of PASAF on nutritional status and metabolic parameters. Patients and methods: We analyzed databases from three primary care centers belonging to a municipality of Metropolitan Santiago. We selected adults enrolled in the PASAF during three years (2007-2009). The program lasted four months and included an assessment of anthropometric and metabolic parameters at baseline and at the end, eight workshops with a nutritionist, seven with a psychologist and 32 sessions of physical activity. Results: We evaluated 526 subjects aged ?18 years (93% females), of whom 85.6% attended the last appointment for assessment. Analyzing available data, attendance to workshops was <50% of the scheduled sessions. Weight, body mass index and waist circumference decreased significantly (median: -1.4 kg, -0.6 kg/m² and -3 cm, respectively). The median weight loss was 1.8% of initial weight and 17.1% of participants experienced a decrease ?5% of their initial weight. There were significant improvements in lipid levels and blood pressure among participants with lower initial excess weight. A reduction in fasting blood glucose was observed only among subjects who lost ?5% of their initial weight. Conclusions: The PASAF modestly reduced nutritional parameters. Correction of metabolic parameters was especially effective in less obese subjects. The attendance to workshops was low.

Biografía del autor/a

Sandra Henríquez

Dra. Sandra Henríquez Parada Magíster en Nutrición y Alimentos, Mención Clínica Adultos, INTA-Universidad de Chile Laboratorio EECRAN, INTA, Universidad de Chile. Dirección: Av. El Líbano 5524, Santiago, Chile. Teléfono: (562) 9781542 – 9781406 - 9781499 Celular: 8-2437459 Mail: hpsandra@yahoo.com




Cómo citar

Henríquez, S., Barrera, G., Hirsch, S., De la Maza, M. P., Jara, N., Leiva, L., & Bunout, D. (2014). Evaluación de un programa ministerial para manejo del Síndrome metabólico en adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad. Revista Médica De Chile, 142(7). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/2904



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