Lesiones focales hepáticas benignas: un hallazgo frecuente a la tomografía computada


  • Gloria Horta Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Marcelo López Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Andrés Dotte Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Jorge Cordero Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile
  • Caterina Chesta Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Ariel Castro Hospital Clínico Universidad de chile
  • Patricio Palavecino Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Jaime Poniachik Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile

Palabras clave:

Cysts, Liver neoplasms, Tomography, X-Ray, computed


Background: Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) of the abdomen, with use of contrast medium, is able to detect and differentiate most focal liver lesions. Aim: To determine the prevalence and features of benign focal liver lesions (BFLL) detected by abdominal MDCT. Patients and methods: We reviewed the reports of contrast abdominal MDCT performed to outpatients between August 2011 and July 2012. Clinical data of examined patients and imaging findings in terms of description of the hepatic parenchyma and the presence of BFLL, were recorded. Results: Data from 1184 studies were analyzed. Of these, 461 studies (38.4%) reported BFLL. The most prevalent lesions were simple cysts in 290 studies (24%) and hemangiomas in 61 studies (5.1%), granuloma-calcification in 39 (3.2%), focal nodular hyperplasia in 19 (1.6%) and one adenoma. If patients with known causes of liver disease were excluded, the prevalence of BFLL did not change substantially (lesions were found in 396 (37.5%) patients). Compared with livers with signs of damage, normal livers had more cystic lesions (27 and 16.2% respectively, p = 0.014) and hemangiomas (5.3 and 1.1% respectively, p = 0.043). Conclusions: BFLL are very common findings in MDCT studies. Most of these lesions are simple cysts and hemangiomas

Biografía del autor/a

Gloria Horta, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile

Becado de Gastroenterología

Marcelo López, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile

Becado de Imagenología

Andrés Dotte, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile

Becado de Imagenología

Jorge Cordero, Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile

Becado Gastroenterología Universidad de Chile

Caterina Chesta, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de Medicina Universidad de Chile

Ariel Castro, Hospital Clínico Universidad de chile

Estadístico, Departamento de estadística

Patricio Palavecino, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile

Radiólogo Intervencional , Servicio de Imagenología

Jaime Poniachik, Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile

Hepatólogo, Sección Gastroenterología




Cómo citar

Horta, G., López, M., Dotte, A., Cordero, J., Chesta, C., Castro, A., Palavecino, P., & Poniachik, J. (2015). Lesiones focales hepáticas benignas: un hallazgo frecuente a la tomografía computada. Revista Médica De Chile, 143(2). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/3780



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