La relación entre obesidad y complicaciones en el curso clínico de las enfermedades respiratorias virales en niños, ¿un nuevo factor de riesgo a considerar?


  • Loreto Fuenzalida Universidad Autonoma
  • Diego Garcia-Diaz Universidad de Chile

Palabras clave:

Inflammation, Obesity, Pediatric Obesity, Respiratory Tract Infections, Viruses


Obesity has a high prevalence among children. On the other hand, acute respiratory infections especially of viral origin, are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in this age group. During the recent pandemic of influenza A (H1N1) virus, obesity was identified as a novel independent risk factor for severity multiple markers of the disease. We reviewed the evidence associating obesity with a worse course of respiratory diseases in children. Nine out of 40 retrieved articles, were chosen to be reviewed. We concluded that there is evidence suggesting that immunomodulatory effects of obesity could be considered as a novel risk factor. Thus, bearing in mind the drastic rise in obesity prevalence around the world and in Chile, and the latent possibility of new respiratory pandemics caused by viruses, studying the possible effect of obesity aggravating viral respiratory infections will become important.

Biografía del autor/a

Loreto Fuenzalida, Universidad Autonoma

Investigadora Centro de Estudios Biomedicos

Diego Garcia-Diaz, Universidad de Chile

Profesor Asistente Departamento de Nutricion Facultad de Medicina




Cómo citar

Fuenzalida, L., & Garcia-Diaz, D. (2016). La relación entre obesidad y complicaciones en el curso clínico de las enfermedades respiratorias virales en niños, ¿un nuevo factor de riesgo a considerar?. Revista Médica De Chile, 144(9). Recuperado a partir de



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