Experiencia de atención en red entre Hospital del Salvador y tres Unidades de Atención Primaria Oftalmológica: Un modelo de salud pública para mejorar la atención oftalmológica
Palabras clave:
Ophthalmology, Primary Health care, Tertiary HealthcareResumen
Background: Primary care units (UAPO) were incorporated in 2003 into the healthcare system of the Ministry of Health, in response to the high demand for hospital care. Three of these primary care units were incorporated to provide a network care with the ophthalmology service of a tertiary care hospital. Aim: To report the public health impact of networking. Material and methods: A descriptive-prospective study was carried out analyzing all the healthcare attentions carried out between June and August 2016. An epidemiological characterization of the sample was made. We recorded: clinical diagnoses, decisions, resolution of the clinical problem at the primary care or referral to the hospital. Results: A total of 2096 ophthalmologic attentions were carried out in the three UAPOs during the study period. The main diseases attended were disorders of refraction, cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. The resolution index was 84% of attentions. Only 16% of attentions required referral and consisted mainly of cataracts (covered by a special health care system), diabetic retinopathy, capsulotomies, iridotomies, uveitis, pterygium and lacrimal duct obstruction. Conclusions: This model of care allowed an efficient management of the high demand for hospital referral. This is expressed in the high-resolution index and low derivation, resulting in a decrease in waiting lists at the tertiary level. This system should be implemented by other tertiary centers of our country.Descargas
Cómo citar
Jones, A., Gallegos, M., Díaz, I., & Donoso, R. (2018). Experiencia de atención en red entre Hospital del Salvador y tres Unidades de Atención Primaria Oftalmológica: Un modelo de salud pública para mejorar la atención oftalmológica. Revista Médica De Chile, 146(8). Recuperado a partir de https://revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/6461
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