Plan nacional de salud mental. Reflexiones en torno a la implementación del modelo de psiquiatría comunitaria en Chile.
Palabras clave:
Community Psychiatry, Mental Disorders, Mental Health, Public HealthResumen
During the sixties, the psychiatric care models evolved to a community care model, as a consequence of the asylum model failure. This new model assumes that psychosocial issues have a role, along with biological factors, in the development of mental diseases. In 2017 the National Mental health plan was created, based on this new model. It aimed to correct the flaws of the previous plan. We herein review this new plan, based on previous and international experiences. We also analyze the implementation of a community model of mental health care. The implementation of such a model without the support of the state and overlooking importance of mental health care, is extremely difficult.Descargas
Cómo citar
Gatica-Saavedra, M., Vicente, B., & Rubí, P. (2020). Plan nacional de salud mental. Reflexiones en torno a la implementación del modelo de psiquiatría comunitaria en Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 148(4). Recuperado a partir de
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