Educación Sexual en las Carreras de la Salud del Campus Eloísa Díaz de la Universidad de Chile


  • Ramiro Molina C Departamento Obstetricia y Ginecologia Norte H. Cl. Un. Escuela de Salud pública U. de Ch
  • Sebastián Alarcón Ch Escuela de salud pública Universidad de Chile
  • Temístocles Molina G Centro de medicina reproductiva y desarrollo integral de la adolescencia. Faculta de medicina Universidad de Chile.

Palabras clave:

Faculty, Medical, Learning, Sex Education


Background: Education on human sexuality was instituted in Eloisa Díaz Campus in 1946. From 2018 an online self-learning general education course on sexuality was started. Aim: To know the degree of knowledge about sexuality and the perception about the course of 586 students (42% women) who approved the course. Material and methods: The Myths and False beliefs and Self-perception on sexuality tests were applied to students at the onset and the end of the course. They also anonymously evaluated the course. Results: In the first assessment, the proportion of correct answers about sexuality and reproduction were 47 and 40% respectively. In the second assessment, 70% of respondents had open criteria about sexuality and 90% rejected traditional criteria. In the anonymous assessment, 95% estimated that the objectives of the course were accomplished. Its quality was considered good or excellent by 95% of respondents. Conclusions: This course was well accepted by students and corrects their knowledge gaps in sexuality. Despite the social unrest during 2019 and the pandemic during 2020, the course was successfully completed by most students.

Biografía del autor/a

Sebastián Alarcón Ch, Escuela de salud pública Universidad de Chile

Ingeniero computacional e informática. Profesor de estado educación técnico profesional.

Temístocles Molina G, Centro de medicina reproductiva y desarrollo integral de la adolescencia. Faculta de medicina Universidad de Chile.

Estadístico, Magister en Estadística.




Cómo citar

Molina C, R., Alarcón Ch, S., & Molina G, T. (2021). Educación Sexual en las Carreras de la Salud del Campus Eloísa Díaz de la Universidad de Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 149(3). Recuperado a partir de



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