La detección protocolizada de la infección por Helicobacter pylori mediante antígeno en deposiciones disminuye lista de espera para endoscopia y optimiza la detección de lesiones gástricas pre-malignas y cáncer gástrico incipiente


  • Luis Coppelli Hospital de Villarrica
  • Luis Antonio Díaz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Arnoldo Riquelme Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Cristián Waeger Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Antonio Rollán Clinica Alemana de Santiago
  • Enrique Bellolio Universidad de la Frontera
  • Juan Carlos Araya Universidad de la Frontera
  • Miguel Ángel Villaseca Universidad de la Frontera
  • Miguel Villasmil Hospital de Villarrica
  • Gonzalo Pérez Hospital de Villarrica
  • Catalina Coppelli Southern Oxford School Villarrica

Palabras clave:

Early Detection of Cancer, Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal, Gastritis, Atrophic, Helicobacter pylory, Stomach Neoplasms


Background: Chile has one of the highest mortality rates by gastric cancer (GC) worldwide. Primary prevention of GC and detection of pre-neoplastic and early neoplastic lesions should be a national priority. Aim: To assess the impact of the protocolization of endoscopy referral and the use of H. pylori stool antigen test (HPSA) in the management of dyspepsia to decrease the waiting list for endoscopy and increase the detection of gastric pre-neoplastic and early neoplastic lesions. Material and methods: We included all patients referred to the Endoscopy Unit of a regional hospital, from January 2015 to December 2017. We also included patients with known pre-neoplastic lesions and all those with first degree relatives with GC. We implemented protocols for referral of patients with dyspepsia considering the use of HPSA test, prioritizing to endoscopy those with a higher risk of GC. Results: A total of 4.641 endoscopies and 2.631 HPSA tests were carried out. After the adoption of these protocols, we observed a 52% decrease in the waiting time for endoscopy. The GC detection rate in this period was 1.8 to 3.1 cases per 100 endoscopies. After the adoption of the protocols, we observed a significant increase in early GC detection rate (from none in 2015 to 13% in 2017, p=0.03). Conclusions: The protocolization of the referral for endoscopy associated with widespread use of HPSA test in the management of patients with dyspepsia, are successful strategies to decrease waiting lists for endoscopy and optimize the detection rate of pre-neoplastic lesions and early GC.




Cómo citar

Coppelli, L., Díaz, L. A., Riquelme, A., Waeger, C., Rollán, A., Bellolio, E., Araya, J. C., Villaseca, M. Ángel, Villasmil, M., Pérez, G., & Coppelli, C. (2019). La detección protocolizada de la infección por Helicobacter pylori mediante antígeno en deposiciones disminuye lista de espera para endoscopia y optimiza la detección de lesiones gástricas pre-malignas y cáncer gástrico incipiente. Revista Médica De Chile, 147(11). Recuperado a partir de



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